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Ocular prostheses in Warsaw

Next Eye prostheses and epiprostheses produced at our laboratory successfully compete with tradi-tional glass or acrylic prostheses available at many prosthetic laboratories in Poland. Perfect fit and natural appearance of these polymer prostheses guarantee a high level of comfort to our Patients, which is extremely important for those struggling with this type of disability. What is more, we are the first specialists in Poland and in the world to use 3D printing to create 3D models of ocular prostheses. This is an innovative solution on a scale beyond the Polish borders, which is why we are currently waiting for a patent.


Development direction: availability of innovative ophthalmic prostheses throughout Poland

Patients' interest in the innovative Next Eye prostheses is not limited to the local area. Our Patients, who ask for ocular prostheses and epiprostheses,come from Warsaw and other large cities. We want our Patients to have better access to our prostheses throughout Poland, and this is one of the directions of development adopted by Next Eye Prosthesis. Currently we admit Patients in our locality in Chorzów, as well as in the ophthalmology centre in Siedlce at ul. 11-Listopada 21. This means, for example, that people looking for ocular prostheses in Warsaw can more easily benefit from the help of our specialists.


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